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Fine art printing Brisbane: Supporting local artists


    Brisbane has an exciting art scene and there are several galleries and artists across QLD. The scene is unique and exciting because there is an abundance of talented artists all across Brisbane.

    There are several local galleries which have an impressive talent. If you are looking for an art fix, visit studio galleries in Brisbane. The crisp white walls of the galleries are set up with beautifully curated pieces that are eye-catching. Each of these have been created by new and flourishing artists.

    You can go and check out the art scene by meeting some friends for a coffee at a nearby cafe before indulging in artistry.

    What you need to know about the art scene in Brisbane

    Buying art is a thrilling experience. It can be a tad bit overwhelming as well. However, this is a simple guide to help you discover and purchase the perfect art prints in Brisbane.

    • Consider your personal taste. Before you purchase art prints, reflect on your personal taste. You can find thousands of pieces of artwork with different styles and genres to suit every taste. However, to narrow down the search, explore galleries in advance to get a look at what they are offering and find an  artist who resonates with you.
    • Just because you are purchasing art prints doesn’t mean you have to spend everything in the bank. The best features of art prints in Brisbane is that it’s available In a wide range of prices. The artworks are priced between $200 to $10,000. Since these pieces are for sale and clearly priced, you can easily find something which comes under your budget.
    • It’s best that you get to know the artist and the galleries before you buy a print. Keep yourself updated by signing up for their emails and checking out their social media.
    •  Art galleries in Brisbane have a welcoming environment. You can ask the galleries any questions you have about a specific painting. Talking with the artist or the gallerist allows you to appreciate the art you are purchasing.
    • If something sticks in your mind, you can ask the galleries to put a reserve on it. It’s better to go with your gut instinct and make a quick decision. Sometimes the prices of an art piece might make your eyes pop but occasionally if you are careful you’ll be able to find yourself a bargain.
    •  You just don’t have to visit the art galleries for purchasing art. In fact you can explore different kinds of art available and watch artists live painting.
    •  After you have purchased art prints you can get them wrapped on site so that you can take it home the very day. However, if you prefer to have it shipped, speak with the gallerist to provide you a quote.

    Purchasing art doesn’t have to be overwhelming. In fact, it is a wonderful experience. If you’re ready to discover the joy of collecting art prints, visit art galleries in Brisbane. Learn more when you go to https://southerncrossprinting.com.au/.

    Park Ridge early learning centre:  helping your child unlock their potential


    Early learning has an impact on the child. Research proves that children who attend early learning centres are kindergarten ready when it is time to make the transition. Whatever the children are taught in their early years plays a role in the way they learn at a school and how they go through life.

    It has a long lasting impact on their success as children as well as adults.

    Children attending a high quality early learning program score higher in the tests from preschool till university. They get better grades in math and English and are inclined towards going to college and furthering their education. They have better mental health and fewer teen pregnancies.

    Factors affecting early learning

    There are several factors impacting early learning. These include the child’s and their family life.

    Other factors include  parents education. Highly educated parents want their children to have the same amount of education or at least more than what they have had.

    They are quick to enroll their children in early learning centres. However, family income can also play a role in whether a child will be attending daycare or not. Children from stable families often attend a quality preschool.

    The importance of early learning

    Early learning increases the child’s cognitive abilities and has an impact on their well-being.

    There are factors which affect early learning and researchers have found that children who attend an educational program see a positive effect on the math and literacy skills.

    A child’s Math skills are boosted the most. Even parents who do not spend a lot of time their children will see their child improving with the help of their caregivers.

     Children who have had trouble developing language skills might benefit from attending a daycare program. They are taught to curb their impulses and behaviors and learn to interact with their peers and caregivers.

    Things to keep in mind when searching for a Park Ridge early learning center

    Before enrolling your child in an early learning program, check the listings in the directory. There are several preschools in Park Ridge which have an extended hour program. Remember that childcare facilities have an ongoing enrollment as long as there are openings available. However there are certain programs which fill up early in the year. The program usually starts in January or February or you can enroll your child for fall. It’s important that you contact the program directly for questions and enrollment options.

    Parents must consider the eligibility age of the child for the upcoming year. All childcare agencies accommodate children with disabilities. However, there are certain facilities which work better for the child and should be considered before parents make a final decision.

    Find a program that warmly welcomes the child and, where, their health and safety will be a priority. The program allows children to express themselves and develop the necessary literacy skills. Find the activities which are provided and interact with their caregivers.

     If there are certain priorities according to your culture and language background, it would impact the program you. Consider what you know about your child and their requirements. It will help you choose an early learning program that is a good fit.

    Since programs begin as early as January, it is better to start early always make an appointment to visit the program on the list to see how they deal with children. Once your child has started the program it’s necessary that you stay in touch with the provider to see how they are learning and how you can support that learning at home. Browse through more information available at https://parklandslittlelearners.com.au/.

    Why Should Parents Help Kids Develop Routines Before Joining Kindergarten in Deception Bay?


     Early childhood is an essential stage in the development of your kids. You can lay the foundation for emotional, social, and cognitive skills during this period. Establishing a routine is usually very important for the well-being and growth of your child.  For this reason, parents need to ensure they do their best to establish a routine during their early childhood years, especially before they start schooling. This article will explore why routine is crucial for kids before joining kindergarten in Deception Bay.

    Reasons Why Routine is Important for Kids Before Joining Kindergarten in Deception Bay

    Establishing a routine for kids before joining kindergarten is very crucial for the following reasons;

    • Creates a sense of stability and security

    If you have taken a child to kindergarten in the past, you know how kids cry when their parents drop them at kindergarten. The good thing is that you can prevent this by creating a routine for your kids at a young age. When kids engage in daily activities consistently, they get to know what to expect. This reduces stress and anxiety even when they start going to kindergarten. Also, having a routine helps kids understand their environment and the sequence of events, making them feel safe and secure.  For this reason, when your kids start attending kindergarten in Deception Bay,   they will be secure and stable enough to navigate the new environment around them rather than feeling overwhelmed by the new experiences.

    • It helps develop responsibility

    As part of establishing a routine, you will need your child to learn basic skills like following a specific schedule, managing time and completing tasks. Whether you establish a bedtime routine that includes brushing your teeth, reading stories, or going to bed, your kid must repeat the same daily. This will be their habit that will teach your child to be responsible. It also assures you that your child will be accountable when attending kindergarten. 

    • Encourages independence

    Another reason establishing a routine is crucial for kids before kindergarten is that it encourages them to be independent. When you allow your child to complete simple routines like tidying up toys, dressing up or helping you set the table,  they will learn to practice independence.  Also, this lets your kids know what is expected of them so they can take the initiative and complete any tasks independently, which is a great way to encourage them to be independent.

    • Enhances cognitive development

    Through routines, your child gets to have a framework that encourages them to explore, learn and discover new skills. This is because you can expose your child to predictable activities like mealtime, playtime, and story time, which they will be exposed to when they start going to a trusted kindergarten in Deception Bay

    Every routine you establish helps your child acquire cognitive development in a specific way.  For instance, when you have a routine for a storybook with your child, they acquire language development and a love for reading books and improve their listening skills. Similarly, your child acquires problem-solving, social, and creativity skills through routine playtime. All these skills are very crucial for the cognitive development of your child.

    Tips for Establishing Routine for Kids Before They Attend Kindergarten in Deception Bay

    Now that you understand the importance of establishing a routine for your kid at an early age, the following are tips parents in Deception Bay can apply;

    •   Begin with simple routines as you gradually incorporate another task when your kid is ready
    •   Have consistency in your routine to create predictability
    •   Allow your kid to participate in this routine
    •   Ensure that your routine is flexible and adaptable
    • Always be patient

    Marsden provides reliable care for your children


    If you are looking for a reliable daycare service in Marsden, you are at the right place. There are several things related to childcare and it’s important to debunk common myths to get insight into the benefits of the different types of care available for parents.

    In daycare, children are looked-after, from birth to age 12, by trained professionals. They are provided a nurturing and educational experience. You can choose centre-based care, where there is group care and it is a dedicated facility. The care provided in a home is known as home-based care. Care provided by relatives or family members is known as family care.

    The advantages of enrolling your child at Marsden Daycare

    Daycare Centre in Marsden employs qualified and experienced individuals trained in early childhood education. They know all about child development and try to create a nurturing environment for your little one.

    High-quality daycare centres give priority to highly qualified staff. They know it is important to build consistent and stable connections with children and families. With a low staff turnover, Marsden daycare ensures that children receive continuous care and support from familiar faces.

    A high-quality daycare always maintains small group sizes. Each child receives personalized attention and care. The staff tailors the approach to meet the unique needs of every child.

    Children are provided age-appropriate activities in a play-based setting. These activities improve cognitive, social, emotional and physical development.

    At Marsden daycare, children are given nutritious meals and snacks that meet their dietary needs. Children learn the importance of healthy eating habits from a young age.

    The daycare centre gives priority to safety and health. The facility is well-maintained.. They promote healthy practices like regular hand washing and following proper hygiene.

    Mason deck aims to foster strong relationships with parents. They recognize that collaboration is the key to child development. There is clear communication between parents and caregivers. Parents are involved in the decision-making process.

    The staff at Marston Daycare gives priority to professional development workshops. Since early childhood education is constantly evolving, the staff are sent for training and professional development to stay up to date with the best practices and work on a research-based approach.

    Tips for choosing the right Marsden daycare

    Finding the right daycare is essential because it impacts your child’s early development. some key factors to consider when choosing a daycare in Marston include checking for license and accreditation to ensure that the daycare centre is accredited by relevant authorities such as the National Childcare Accreditation Council.

    Find out the qualifications and the experience of this staff. Question their education, training and tenure.

    The daycare must maintain a suitable staff-to-child ratio so every child can get personalized attention and care. At the same time, assess the conditions and safety of the facility and check the playgrounds, classroom and equipment to ensure that you’re sending your child to a safe space.

    The staff at Marsden Childcare is responsible for communicating with parents and offering transparency in their policy by sharing information about the child’s daily activities and development.

    Explore Marsden’s daycare options today.

    How Does a Daycare in Forbes Help in Child Development?


    Did you know that daycare is vital to your child’s development? Most parents take their kids to daycare centres to have someone to care for them in their absence. However, most parents in Forbes do not know that the daycare they choose for their kids will significantly determine their child’s development process. Therefore, you must ensure you select the best environment for your child. This article will teach how a daycare can impact your child’s development.

    Benefits of Daycare in Child Development in Forbes

    When you choose the right daycare centre for your child, you will see  the following signs of child development in your child;

    • Socialisation skills

    One of the ways your child develops after spending some time in daycare is by having difficulty socialising with others. This is because a daycare centre in Forbes allows your child to interact with peers.  Socialisation is crucial in helping your child acquire communication skills such as resolving conflicts, listening,  taking turns and sharing with the other kids. All these socialisation skills are essential since they lay the foundation for long-lasting and healthy relationships for your child even when they grow older.

    • Language development

    Language skills are critical skills in your child’s life. Unfortunately, when your child does not have people to interact with, they cannot develop these crucial skills. The good thing about taking your kids to a daycare centre is that they have regular interactions with other kids and caregivers, which helps them acquire and learn the necessary language skills; also, when kids are engaged in activities such as reading stories, conversations and songs while in the daycare centre, it helps them in their language development process.

    • Cognitive development

    If you choose a daycare with structured activities, you are assured that your child will be involved with activities promoting cognitive development. These structured activities include storytelling, educational games and puzzles, enhancing problem-solving skills, memory and critical thinking.

    • Emotional development

    As a parent, you have to make sure that you choose a daycare where your child will feel free, especially when expressing themselves.  This way, you will be assured that your child can express their emotions and manage.  Additionally, the daycare centre should have experienced and caring caregivers who can navigate the kids’ feelings under their care. When you make such a selection, you can prove emotional development in your child within a very short time after they start attending the daycare.

    • Enhanced independence

    When your child is at home, they are used to waiting for you to do every activity they need, even the tiny things like handwashing, bathing, and even dressing. However, when you take your son or daughter to a daycare centre, they will learn how to do things themselves. Through this, they will have enhanced independence, which will encourage them to make decisions, complete simple tasks, and solve simple disputes.

    • Exposes kids to diversity

    The kids in daycare centres have different socioeconomic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds. When you take your child to such an environment, they can interact with people of various backgrounds. As a result, they will learn about other cultures and perspectives from a very young age.

    Taking a child to a professional daycare in Forbes has many benefits. However, you have to make sure that you take your child to the best daycare so that they can acquire the above developments.

    Choosing the right child care


    If you are looking for a formal child care, there are certain things that you should keep in mind. In order to make this important decision here are some tips from the experts who know all about child care. There are certain ways that you can size up a child care option for your little one.

    What to look for in a North Ryde child care

    It is best that you are able to visit the child care in person and see how the staff is interacting with the children. A care giver is usually on the floor playing with the kids holding one close by. This is because during the early years children need close and interactive relationships with others. This is especially important that your child’s first care giver is responsive to them, even in a group setting. All children should get a healthy dose of one on one time with the staff.

    It is essential for the children to get predictable care so that they are able to form a secure attachment with the caregivers. According to family therapists, when you are looking for in home care giver, it is important they should make at least one year commitment for the job. On the other hand if you’re considering sending your child to a center you my want to know how long the current care giver turnover are that the center usually experiences.

    It is important that you share the same parenting philosophies with preschool. For example you might want to know about the use of time out or the use of television. The snacks or the drinks which are provided for the all the children and how often naps are offered, should also be observed. Inquire about a sick child policy also which prevents the children from attending the daycare. Get to know if they have a backup plan if the day care provider gets sick and is unable to attend work.

    When you visit the day care you might also want to take a look at the surroundings. Get to know whether they have a separate area which is dedicated only to swings and bouncers. There also needs to be enough floor time to help develop and strengthen the child’s muscles. You may want to visit the same centres at different times of the day so that you get an idea of how the staff interacts with the children and how the routine is carried out. It is okay to pop up unannounced a few times, especially after you send to your child there, just to take a look at how things are progressing.

    It is also necessary that you are in touch with a care giver, so that they can tell you about your child’s progress. It is important to tell the care giver of any problems or changes in your child’s routine like teething or if they have had a restless night. This is because the care giver should also be able to understand what kind of attention the child would be requiring on a specific day.

    Check out the programs and facilities at 360 Early Education North Ryde, and see if it is the perfect fit for your child..

    Management Tips For Successful Early Learning Centres

    Preschool teacher with children playing with colorful wooden didactic toys at kindergarten

    If you have been to any early learning centre, you will agree that the teachers in these centres usually have a difficult time in managing the kids in their classes. One of the reasons is because these kids are excited to be in class, therefore each one reacts differently to any situation. For this reason, even if the teacher wants to group the kids or begin an activity with them, she or he has to do so much to get their attention while also ensuring they are not distracted. Some of these teachers in the early learning centres have developed certain phrases that they use to attract the attention of the kids.  However, it’s also important that you learn some of the management tips that can help to create a great learning environment in your early learning centre.

    If you want to manage your classroom effectively, and have a great time with the kids enrolled in your classroom, the following are some of the tips that can be helpful. 

    • Arrange the classrooms strategically

    One of the most important tips that you need to learn to create an effective learning environment is strategic organization skills. Any early learning centre can be a chaotic place, and this can be destructive to the kids’ experience in your classroom. For effective learning, you need to learn how to organize your room strategically. When you have an organized class, it will be easier for the kids to be attentive at what you want them to learn or do.

    • Make the classrooms comfortable

    Kids are usually innocent, but they can love themselves too much. For this reason, you have to be careful about the kind of place that you want them to live in, when they are in your early learning centre. This is why it’s advisable that you create a very comfortable environment for them, when they are away from their homes. Make your early learning centre a second home for them, so that they can enjoy spending their time in this new environment. With a comfortable environment, the kids will like and love learning and therefore, it becomes easier for you to manage your classroom.

    • Purchase adequate equipment for the kids

    Kids may not understand why they have to share equipment such as toys or supplies when they are in their preschool. You may have experienced a shortage of funds which prevented you from buying enough equipment for your early learning centre. However, these kids do not know that there are times when money becomes a challenge and therefore, they will want to have enough equipment at their disposal. This is why you need to get other sources of finances to equip your early learning centre, so that you can have an easier time dealing with the kids.

    • Be passionate about your job

    This is also another natural management tip that you can use, if you want to have a great time with the kids in your early learning centre. If you love what you are doing, you will not have a hard time dealing with the kids in preschool. In fact, you will learn to be a role model to the kids and they will always follow your lead. However, if you do not love your job, it can be hard for you to love doing what the kids should do and therefore, they have no leads to follow. Although not every day will be fun for you in the early learning centre, you need to be passionate, so that it can be easier for you to spend time with these young kids.

    As a teacher providing early learning services, you need to be careful about how you deal with any issue you face in your classroom. This makes it easy for you to have fun in what you do and love spending time with the kids. In case you have been having troubles managing your kids in class, you do not need to shout anymore. Make use of the above tips and have a great time with the kids.

    Why a good daycare in Crestmead is best for your child


    Parents in Crestmead often think that their children are too small to attend the structured setting of a good daycare, Crestmead. The fear of separation and the safety of their children are often the top issues for parents to opt for a good daycare.

    However, letting a child attend daycare is often a necessity when both parents have to work to cope with living expenses. With this kind of situation, the only way for parents to have peace of mind while working is to find a suitable and high-quality daycare for their child.

    The multiple benefits provided by a high-quality daycare to both parents and children include:

    Provide children great learning academic and social foundation

    Children at a young age are like sponges. Being observant and curious are their natural abilities. They want to be like mum and dad, which means that they want to know how to assemble a toy by reading the instructions or pay the right amount of money for things they want to buy.

    The wide range and variety of activities and games provided by a good daycare prepare children for the academic demands of formal schooling. The active participation of the children in a variety of games and activities helps them to grow academically and socially.

    Provides a chance for children to experience a structured environment

    Daycare provides children a chance to experience a structured setting with peers and teachers. The opportunity to interact with their peers and teachers allows them to learn to follow instructions and share the attention of their teachers with other children. This kind of group experience offers the best way to learn before transitioning to formal schooling.

    Seamless and smooth transition to formal schooling

    The focus of teaching pre-literacy and pre-math skills to young children by good daycare centres often makes parents think that they are made to grow up too soon. On the contrary, a good daycare offers educational programmes that make children learn through playing. Making the children learn while playing makes the experience more exciting for them.

    Helps children to develop emotional and social skills

    Problem-solving, compromising, and become more respectful to others are the crucial emotional and social skills acquired by children attending a good daycare. The structured setting and variety of activities allow children to develop self-confidence as they play with peers and explore things and ideas. Simple activities such as helping to set the table during meals or pouring their juice instil a sense of independence in young children. This independence allows the children to grow emotionally and socially.

    The chance to discover the answers to their never-ending questions

    Very young children are full of questions. They want to discover the world around them and their only way is to ask questions. Daycare can encourage this natural curiosity of children by teaching ways to discover the answers through storytelling, exploration, and experimentation.

    Learn the basic letters and numbers

    Learning the letters and numbers at their own pace is the way a good daycare educates children. Children are not made to sit down and learn the basic letters and numbers. Rather, the learning becomes a fun activity through play and storytelling.

    Opportunities for children to develop their social, emotional, and academic skills in a fun and exciting way are the top benefits provided by a good daycare.

    If you are wondering how to find a reliable daycare in Crestmead, all you need to do is ask your family and friends for referrals and to search online.

    Importance of finding a quality day care


    If you are searching for daycare in Launceston, you must be on the lookout for a day care center which help foster your child’s learning in a safe environment. Usually parents start looking for a daycare provider around 3 or 4 months in advance. However at a quality day Care spaces might be difficult to find and it is normally advised to start searching at least six months in advance.

    Finding quality daycare in Launceston

    • It is best to jot down a list of things that your child would require when attending child care. Whether you want to send them there for only a few hours of the day or you are looking for complete daycare from nine to five. Consider whether it is important for you to find a child care program which is near your home or work. Are you looking for a commercial or a private take care, one which is licensed or unlicensed?
    • You should at least find a minimum of three places to look into. You can start your search by getting advice from friends, neighbors or relatives. If you know somebody who is in a similar situation to yours, you can get a great deal of information from them too. You can also find a lot about the different day Care centers by searching on the internet and looking for child care providers in your area.
    • Once you have three or four names on the list you should call each of those centers and speak to the supervisor. Make sure you ask him questions which are relevant to your situation. If possible do book a visit to the Centre as well.
    • It is quite important to visit each of the centers in person. It is an important step and one which should not be avoided at any cost.
    • When visiting the take care it is important to take a look at the physical environment. Environment needs to be clean and inviting. It should be a place where you think your children would be safe to learn and explore.
    • Also consider taking a look at the interaction between the staff and the children. A child should respond well to the caregiver. Similarly the teachers should exhibit patience and sensitivity plus it is also important to have a fun demeanor.
    • It is also important to ask questions regarding their take on health and safety. Each day care should have a certain policy and strict protocol when it comes to distributing medication.
    • The group activities carried out at daycare should be such that they enhance the child’s social skills. The activities should be such that the stimulate the child’s imagination and language skill through role-playing and storytelling. Activities to encourage the children to think and use logic for example the use of puzzles and board games is an important learning tool.
    • Ask what supplies you are required to provide and what would be provided by the center.

    Always do a background and a reference check regarding a child care provider before placing your child in a Launceston daycare program.

    Characteristics of Independent Schools Gold Coast


    Independent schools vary considerably; each has levels and can be elementary, high school, or a combination of both. Hence, they are standalone institutions that do not receive any funding from state agencies, city council, or federal resources. Meaning all of its funding comes from tuition fees, grants, and gifts from parents and well-wishers. Some independent schools have large endowments hence have pretty good developments within institutions like state-of-the-art structures, modern labs, and more. In contrast, others might be struggling year after year to meet financial obligations like paying salaries and other essential services.

    Since parents pay hefty tuition fees, people might be tempted to think that teachers in independent schools are highly motivated and earn high-end salaries, but that is not the case; some teachers and workers earn even up to 30% less than what teachers in public schools earn, quite the irony. But this depends on the institution because well-established schools remunerate their teachers twice or thrice what public teachers earn. It is dependent on what board and shareholders decide to compensate their teachers.

    Things to expect in an independent school

    You might be surprised to find a different curriculum at an independent school since it doesn’t have to limit their standards to what the ministry of education dictates. They can be creative and innovative in their ways as long as they deliver quality results as they see fit or as stakeholders and shareholders demand. They can have smaller classes than the public schools demand maximum knowledge and skills delivery to the learners. Smaller classes are an excellent point to note for independent schools.

    At Christian schools in Gold Coast, you will find teachers wearing many hats. For example, it is possible to find administrators teaching subjects in classes, coaching, or directing exams. Simultaneously, teachers may become committee members in a department or coordinators of specific departments, and so on. You won’t be surprised to find a librarian teaching in class.

    Extracurricular activities at independent schools are unique. Sports teams may compete in games beyond boundaries or interstates competition, unlike in public schools where qualifications from the zonal levels determine.

    Classes in independent schools may be longer than those in public schools. There may be morning preps and evening preps but with the guidance of teachers. They are independent and do not follow any protocol laid out by the relevant state ministry.

    The academic year in independent schools is shorter than those in public schools because more is covered in a day than in public schools. They can choose to close the school calendar as they wish as long as everything is covered in their syllabus, unlike in public schools where a strict calendar must be adhered to throughout the academic year.

    The food in an independent school is generally acceptable because they hire professionals to handle lunches and supper for the boarders. Nutrition specialists are there to make sure food served to students are quality and delicious and let them have as much as they want.

    Finally, the criteria used to admit students are unique; students have to complete the admission process, which involves interviews and examinations, and background checks before they get admissions. The admission process varies from school to school, but they set their standards, which is higher than what is set in public schools.

    Does a work-at-home parent need childcare Kelvin Grove?


    Spending time with the family is usually the top reason for a parent in Kelvin Grove to work at home. With this, would it be rather counter-intuitive for a work-at-home parent to need childcare, Kelvin Grove?

    Yet, a lot of parents working at home do opt for paying extra for childcare. However, it must be noted that the financial circumstances of parents and children’s needs are the best measurement to accommodate the kind of childcare choice.

    Be that as it may, the best care and education for children is the common ground families share. Childcare is certainly needed whether you’re working at an office or home. The only variation is the kind of childcare provider suitable for the current needs of your young children.


    Full-time Childcare


    Full-time childcare is what you likely need if you have a full-time employment position that needs daily telecommuting. Full-time childcare strikes the perfect balance between meeting the needs of your child and your employer’s expectations.

    A level of flexibility is provided for parents opting for full-time childcare when your work sometimes involves travelling or reporting some days in the office. The set childcare arrangement you have with reputable childcare centres in Kelvin Grove puts your mind at ease whether you’re working at home or need to report daily for work.


    No Childcare


    Many work-at-home parents have learned to juggle work and caring for their children as well. However, the emotional toll can be wearing when a parent has to multi-task between caring for the children while working at the same time. Either the income will be affected or the children will have to make do with a less stimulating and learning environment. Balancing these two important factors should be seriously considered by a parent opting for no childcare.

    However, the age of the child is also an important determinant of this kind of childcare arrangement. An older child makes it easier for a parent to work and care for him at the same time.

    Yet, an infant or toddler can make it next to impossible for a parent to render care and work at the same time. The quality of parent-child time is compromised when a parent has to multi-task.

    Choose a childcare in Kelvin Grove that has a good reputation that you can trust.


    Part-time Childcare


    Part-time childcare is a good option for parents working on a part-time basis. However, the flexible schedules provided by part-time childcare can also work for parents working full-time. This kind of arrangement ideally suits independent contractors or home business owners.

    The part-time childcare works best for self-employed parents who can afford to scale back their work hours to take care of their children. Parents with night-time jobs can take advantage of part-time childcare as well.

    Preschool or Daycare Centre


    The situation might be ironic if parents stay at home while children leave home every day. Daycare often doesn’t make sense for a lot of work-at-home parents. However, daycare and preschool centres provide a top benefit that parents will never be able to have. The social interaction with peers is one of the best benefits gained from having a child attend a preschool or daycare centre.



    Tips To Consider When Looking For A Child Care For Your Children In Rosebery


    Leaving your children to someone else’s custody is hard. Unfortunately, there are parents in Rosebery that are left without a choice but to do so. Lucky to those who have family members who can look after their children while they are working or doing other important chores, but to those who have none, the only option they have left is child care.

    There are many child care facilities in Rosebery, where parents can leave their children with ease. It takes time, though before finally deciding which facility to leave your child. Deciding in a rush will never give you and your baby any good.

    Factors to consider when leaving children to a child care

    If you are not sure yet on where to start, below are some few tips you can consider when looking for child care Rosebery:

    1. Look down

    Do not just look around, look down, as that is where you can find most answers to your questions. Are the caregivers on the floor playing with the children? Are they carrying one child on their lap? While children are young, they need loving, interactive, close relationships with adults for them to thrive. Hence, it is only necessary that their first caregivers are responsible and warm.

    You may also want to check on the ratio of children to caregivers. Are there enough caregivers to take care of the children? It is not necessary that the ratio is 1:1, but at least the number of caregivers must be enough to give every child the attention they need.

    2. Ask for an agreement or contract

    If the caregiver you will hire will stay in your home, it is best if you ask them for an agreement or contract that they will stay with you for at least a year. Changing the caregiver from time to time is not the most ideal as it requires your child to adjust every time.

    Meanwhile, if you are leaving your children to daycare, it is best to ask how long their caregivers are working with them and the turnaround time of their employees.

    3. Ask for their policy

    Asking the child care’s policy is important. How do they discipline children? Do they let caregivers scold at the children or do they follow time-out? Are children allowed to watch television while on the premises? If so, how long are they allowed, what kind of shows do they let children watch? Also, ask for their feeding policy. What kind of food they serve children, the intervals of meals, and so on.

    Another thing to know is their back up plan if the daycare provider or live-in home caregiver is not available to work.

    Asking as many relevant questions as possible can help you decide which child care centre to leave your children.

    • Make sure to keep an open communication

    Keep the communication lines open. Before leaving your child to the centre, make sure that you let the caregivers know, how was their sleep or what food did you feed them, etc. And when picking them up, you also have to speak with the caregivers to know their progress, things they learn or discover so you can follow through when you get home. By continuously communicating with the professionals, you can help both yourself and the school in nourishing your children with the love, attention, and care that they need.

    4 Reasons to Choose Burwood Preschool


    Children aged 2 to 5 years usually need special care when away from parents. Here is where preschools are vital.  The primary role of a preschool is to help your child acquire critical social skills and related skills. Preschools are essential for all categories of children. Still, they are an excellent option for improving the lives of children from disadvantaged groups as it helps the children to achieve healthy development.

    A preschool should provide a fun, warm, and friendly learning environment. Burwood preschool offers child-friendly activities based on a child’s individual needs. Additionally, the school considers the interest of the child in both indoors and outdoors environments. The school achieves this easily through implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage.

    Taking your child comes with numerous benefits, including:

    Active learning

    The best way to teach children is by allowing them to practice. Young kids learn easily when they do or experience something. They discover as they play. This is active learning, and it defines the fundamental nature of a program of any preschool.

    Simply put, active learning means that your child will spend a lot of time reading, dancing, exploring the natural world, arts and crafts, and outdoor play. All these come in variations to prevent boredom. These features not only build a strong foundation but also, activities like playing create curiosity, imparts problem-solving skills, and teaches empathy. Still, active learning imparts a wide range of pre-academic skills like excellent motor skills, counting, coordination and recognising colours and shapes.

    A comforting environment

    To many children, a preschool is the first place away from home and parents. It can be traumatising for them if they do not experience the love and care that they usually receive from their parents. Burwood preschools offers a warm environment for children.

    Teachers freely interact with the children, and they tend to the specific needs of each one of them. The requirements of children vary. Thus, offering individual attention is important.  Moreover, teachers create engaging fun and above all, safe for the children.

    Child-Friendly Facilities

    Since your child will be spending the entire day at the preschool, it is logical that the place should be safe. Also, the facilities should be engaging enough for your child to learn essential life skills.

    Teaching modes are changing, thanks to the advancing technology. Up to date facilities, mean that your child learns using the latest technology and methods. Preschools in Burwood ensures that facilities are updated regularly, and the teachers are well-trained to handle the facilities and the children well. Such measures eliminate the incidents of accidents occurring.

    The classroom environment is very crucial for the growth of your child. That is why in the Burwood preschools, all classes are full of new resources – screens, tools, gadgets, etc. Best of all, these resources are used judiciously.

    On the other hand, wouldn’t you want an outdoor that offers your kid an opportunity to wow about the natural world? Look, gardens filled with various plants, and different kinds of animals, undoubtedly will make your child fall in love with nature. Thus, improving brain function.

    Dedicated teachers

    The survival and reputation of an excellent preschool depends on teachers. A group of passionate teachers and administrators effectively run the programs of a school. The teachers usually speak respectfully to both the parents and the children. Furthermore, teachers go an extra mile to ensure that your child remains healthy, safe and happy.

    You need a lot of research and patience to find the right Burwood pre school. Make the right choice because it will have a huge impact on your child’s future.


    Art Supply Stores Melbourne-How to buy the right kind of art supplies


      Buying the right stuff from an art supply stores is essential. However, for someone who is venturing into the store for the first time, things can get overwhelming pretty quick. There is just so much equipment and so many types of paints that anyone would get confused. Also it’s important to buy art supplies which fall within your budget. This by no means is an incentive to go and splurge on bargain buy products but when one is just starting, they have to keep a budget in mind.

      Consider all the things which you buy from art supply stores in Melbourne an investment. These are the supplies which you would be using for a long time. For example things like easels and watercolor palettes are all used by artists whenever they paint. Also colors when used carefully can last for the longest time. It all depends on how you mix the colors and store them after use. Proper handling of the art equipment and paints would ensure the longevity of the products.

      The following is a basic guide to buying your very first art supplies:

      Oil paints

      Oil paints come in a vast variety of colors. These tend to be highly pigmented. The vivid imagery which you can achieve with oil paints is hardly rivalled by any other paint type or medium. It is important to choose high quality art paints if you actually want a good result. While there are many cheap imitations out there one must make sure that the buy high quality stuff. You can create your own colors too by choosing a few basic paint colors. With the right experience most artists can create tertiary colors easily by mixing the primary colors that they have in their collection.

      Brush sets

      Choosing the first set of brushes is an important decision. There are quite a few manufacturers out there and one might feel confused whom they could trust. The best thing to do is to purchase a pre-selected brush set. You can ask for information from your teacher or other friends who are already established painters or those who have enough experience.

      Buying a studio easel

      Different types of easels are sued for a verity of purposes. But as an artist who is just starting it is important to choose one which would help make things easier for you. Portable easels are the best type. You can carry those around wherever you go. Also these are collapsible and fit into limited space with ease.

      Acrylic paints

      Acrylic paints are quite popular with artists. These are easy to use and are fun to experiment with. The drying tie of acrylics is also much faster than that of oil paints. For beginner acrylic paints can be a good medium to start with.

      Buying the right art supplies is something which normally comes with trial and error for most people. However the right tips can help you make the right decision with ease. MES is an art supply store in Melbourne that provides reasonably priced but good quality supplies.

      How to Secure a ISO 9001 Accreditation


      Getting an ISO 9001 can do wonders for your business. It doesn’t matter whether the business you own is big or small, getting the accreditation is all that matters. However, most companies are concerned about the proper way of receiving the certificate without a great deal of hassle.

      The following steps would make the process of securing the accreditation much simpler:

      Making the necessary preparation

      The first major step is to make all the preparations which would help your businesses secure an accreditation. This step should be considered the foundation of the certification process. This preparation would have a lasting impact and ensure success in the venture.

      It’s important to implement a quality management system which complies with the ISO 9001 standards. The next step is to have this system evaluated by an auditor. It should be noted that ISO accreditation is not something which organizations can join. Rather these are a set of standards which should be achieved by businesses.

      You have got to make sure that the management system for your business matches the standards set by the ISO. In order to this you should download an example template and then compare it with your own management system.

      The next step is to ensure that you have read the standard carefully. The first three standards comprise of a set of goals which should be set by organizations. There is also a reference for all of the ISO terms which would make it easier for a business owner to understand everything.

      According to ISO standards a quality management system actually refers to what quality means to your business. In other words it’s all the procedures carried out by a company to ensure that their organization is working well and is providing quality services to clients.

      While it’s true that a company can’t solely rely on their QMS to secure the accreditation, it still plays a major part in the complete process. The key is the proper documentation and seeking ways for improving a business. Usual models of a quality management system are based upon the principle of planning, doing, checking and acting upon it.

      Aspects of a quality management system

      • Planning is the first step to a great quality management system. It’s a simple step which involves going through everything which the company considers important. It should be seen how the business sees quality and how they make the amends to implement that concept if quality. Documenting all these properly would have a positive impact during an audit and make the process of securing an accreditation much easier.
      • The next step is implementing all that planning by making it doable. Take all the planning and apply it accordingly.it is necessary to document all these processes as well.
      • The next step is t make a check by tracking and analyzing all those processes and demonstrating results for the auditor to see
      • The act phase comprises of acting out on any problems which are found during the checking stage.

      All in all quality management systems should be highly transparent. Don’t stress over the process by getting an ISO 9001 accreditation by Atlas Certification.

      Darwin Preschool: Why choose the best preschool for your child


      A good preschool can help your children excel in their future. These days the curriculum taught at preschools not only aims to develop the child’s mental abilities but also help sharpen their social and emotional intelligence. The following are a few reasons why you should opt for a good Darwin preschool for your child.

      • Preschool provides your child with a foundation of learning which would help them grow to be better individuals. Preschool offers children an opportunity to learn in a structured environment. The transition from a play school to a preschool would help the child understand the basics of learning in a place where they would use all of their learning faculties.
      • When the focus shifts towards academics parents want to send their children to a preschool which would help them develop academically. At a quality preschool you wouldn’t have to be worried about your child learning basic math and English skills. They would definitely learn that but along the way they would be provided ample time to play and learn things at their own pace as well. It’s not just about academics but different activities which can come in quite handy. The activities at a preschool are in sync with the child’s cognitive and physical abilities.

      • At a preschool children also undergo emotional and social development. Children need to have the concept of being taken care of from a young age. When they receive the attention of their teachers and are taught in a loving manner, they are better able to understand key concepts. There is no pressure on children at a preschool. No doubt that the learning is structured but there is also a focus on helping the child learn in a way which is beneficial for them. This nurtures their emotional wellbeing and turns them into understanding individuals. Children learn to care for their peers. They understand the importance of showing warmth and respect when required. All these things they learn at preschool without any pressure.
      • Preschool provided children with a consistent routine. This helps them develop skills to manage time and make sure they do their work when required. This habit of doing things in a timely manner like going to bed on time, waking up at a required time and being at preschool helps them develop a routine which would come in useful as they progress towards elementary schools. It’s a known fact that children who manage their time well excel in academics as well.
      • Children realize that they have a choice when it comes to making a decision. Children are taught to choose between different activities. Some children might prefer building blocks while others would choose to go for pretend play. Each of these have their own set of benefits. The activity tie allows children to make choices which help shape them into individuals they would become in the future.

      Book into Darwins leading pre school to ensure the academic and social success of your child.

      Meth Testing Training Course


      One of the best jobs the world can offer to qualified applicants is being a meth tester. This has sprung from intelligence reports that some real estate properties are being used as a drug den, and a haven to drug use and abuse by transient tenants or renters, who take advantage of operating secretly behind closed doors.

      The government and other authorities cannot catch all the harmful elements in society because of their clandestine operations. Unknown to the offenders, there is an ultimate way of tracing the substance utilising actual meth testing and decontamination.

      This brings us to the idea that someone could earn a decent living through meth testing. Here a few good reasons why you should consider this career in the near future:

      Comprehensive training is in store for those who are sincere enough to shift careers

      Training and actual demonstration teachings are facilitated by the best companies all over the world including Australia and its neighbouring towns or cities like Melbourne and Sydney. You are assured to a good grasp of the best practices they have implemented in their years of successful operation.

      the most beneficial meth testing training course will leave no stone unturned since even the most confidential of all matters are laid down before your very eyes

      Everything you need to know about the substance in question will be thoroughly be explained to you, in such a way that you will understand the kind of job you are about to do. Apart from that, you will also know what happens in the secret laboratory when meth testers would like to come up with a finding or conclusion that would benefit everyone and the world.

      Preparing you to be the best of both worlds

      If one has to decide to explore the world of law enforcement, so be it. If you also choose to keep a low profile by just becoming one of the country’s top meth tester, then do what you can to be happy with your chosen path.

      Training you to be an exceptional property inspector is an honour

      While you are still under training, you can’t help but think about being a person in authority. People will look at you with pride, as you walk by retail stores, including the living room where there’s a potential or positive meth contamination.

      Learning the craft of identifying between what’s true or fake meth

      Your skill in scrutinising objects around your sight makes you like a  good detective in the movies. Intelligence doesn’t mean everything, the character does. Using your sound judgement makes the job easier to perform and would undoubtedly yield excellent results.

      Taking a practical written test does not only measure what you know already but also what you’ve got from the training

      This is your chance during the training to prove your worth for the job. A satisfactory score speaks a lot about what you can do and what you are about to do as a future meth tester.

      Communicate what you want to express

      If you have doubts or questions about the training, feel free to raise your hand and ask one of the trainers or facilitators. They will surely be glad to answer all your questions regarding the pros and cons of the job.

      Finally, express yourself in the best writing possible

      Along with property inspection, gathering samples and decontaminating real estate properties, it is your job to write property inspection reports, incident reports, evaluation forms and final reports needed to evaluate not only your performance but also as a way of understanding the job better.

      Day Care


      Day-care must be spaces where children’s cognitive, motor, and psychological skills are developed, without accidents taking place due to lack of foresight. A safe centre for Early Childhood students must meet 10 requirements.

      First of all, there is a golden rule so that a day-care can be classified as a safe school. On this norm, the first point of the list, the remaining nine points are sustained.

      Security zone

      This is the space between the floor and the 1.20 m height of the entire installation and the accesses (including the transit area and the area of ​​usual use). In this space there should not be dangerous elements accessible to children or that may cause physical or psychological damage.


      The delimitation of the centre and access control must preserve the safety of minors and protect them from strangers and elements that may cause an accident (scalable fences, etc.).

      General facilities

      The following aspects must be taken into account, already in the projection and construction of the childcare centre in Hervey Bay:

      • Floors: they have to be slightly soft. According to the needs that the activities require, in each space the level of buffering of these will be increased.
      • Doors: depending on the space to which they are derived, they must be inaccessible for children (kitchen, cleaning, etc.) or accessible (child transit area). Keep in mind that children can injure some of their extremities with the door or, if they have glasses, they can be injured or cut in case of breakage.
      • Windows: must be inaccessible to child manipulation. Not only must they not be able to open them, but equipment must be avoided to facilitate climbing.
      • Stairs and unevenness: all the unevenness in the child transit area must be safe for children. The rest of them must be inaccessible to the small students.
      • Plugs: those that are not located above the safety zone, must have child protections. In no case can they be accessible to minors, as well as electronic devices and their cables, which must be located above that area.

      Specific facilities

      The care and activity spaces must be fully accessible and connected to each other. The following characteristics must be taken into account:

      • Visual: meeting a basic need in particular should not imply the loss of visual contact with the group in general.
      • Specific: there must be differentiated and adapted spaces for each specific assistance and for each programmed activity.
      • Multi-purpose: the spaces must be prepared to welcome children of different levels and with different needs.


      Although it is mandatory, there are many schools that lack a Self-Protection Plan. This must have the involvement of all the staff of the centre and must be designed under the precepts of possible emergencies, always depending on the characteristics of the children.

      Public way

      The school environment must be also adapt to the needs of the children and their families. These public spaces must have signals that inform drivers that they are in a place frequented by minors and act accordingly.


      The elements that make up a nursery school, whatever its usefulness, must be specific for the development of its function, be adapted to the skills and abilities of children, as well as their anthropometric measures, and comply with current regulations.

      Benefits of a Boarding School


      Most parent would think twice before sending their children to boarding school. Just because you would choose a boarding school for your child isn’t any indication that you are shipping the children off or getting rid of them. This is a mere impression mainly casted by stories or by movie which depict only troublesome kids being sent off to a boarding school. This is not entirely true and definitely not the norm either. There are in fact, several advantages of sending your child to boarding school.  Some of these include the following:

      Boarding schools have the best teaching staff

      This is because the teachers at boarding school are fully committed to helping all children excel in academics. They are stalwarts in their chosen field and have been teaching for decades. This give them a profound love for their work. They try to impart knowledge in such a way that children not only learn but in fact excel at the subject.

      Wonderful sports facilities

      Boarding schools are built over acres of land. This is why the huge and open spaces allow for bigger sports fields and arenas where students can practice equestrian sports like polo and high jumping. They can improve their swimming game or run their way through the football field. Boarding schools offer some of the best sports facilities and can instil in your child a love for all things adventurous.

      Interesting arts programs and facilities

      At a boarding school, you can expect to have the best arts and crafts facilities. Children who love literature can indulge in their love for theatre. Since boarding schools have ample after school hours, children can spend their time indulging in learning the arts of acting, singing, playing a musical instrument and a great deal more. Instead of simply wasting their time, children are encouraged to choose a discipline which interests them. This results in many hours of enjoyable learning and instills a cultured attitude in children who attend the boarding school.

      State of the art learning environment

      At a boarding school the environment is much more structured. Everything happens according to a schedule. Students go to sleep and wake up at a particular time. Breakfast is served on a set time and the same goes for lunch and dinner. This structured approach to life prepares students for a more disciplined life which they would lead as adults. The mere idea of having a structured routine en when it comes to basic learning can instil a sense of responsibility in students at an early age.

      There are several benefits of sending your child to a boarding school. What actually matters is the good values which would instilled in your child from the very beginning. Students who pass from the school have a profound sense of purpose. They know that they have an aim and purpose and they would make sure that they excel in academics and in all future endeavours.

      The Importance of Constructive Play


      Children play according to their cognitive abilities. Children can indulge in constructive play, functional play, fantasy play and games with rules. It all goes hand in hand with the child’s physical and cognitive development. Play is an important part of any preschoolers learning. Through play children can learn a variety of things. The first and foremost they learn social skills. They realise that they work better as a team and so they start understanding the concept of sharing and working together. This is a habit which comes in handy as they grow older and enter school.

      The following are some of the playing a child might indulge in when attending day care in Coorparoo.

      • Functional play involves games like running, jumping, sliding and gathering. It normally incorporates the use of different parts of the body. In a preschool children are also taught grouping and stacking which are parts of functional play and normally comes under games which don’t involve any rules. This is the first stage of play and one in which a child would indulge with or without adult encouragement.
      • Constructive play. This involves making objects with Legos and blocks. Children also make use of sand, slime and modelling clay to shape different objects out of the material provided to them. Such kind of play help develop a child’s creativity.
      • Role-playing. This is the make believe side of the play where a child is provided a variety of props which they use and dress up as their favourite characters. Again this is the kind of play which encourages creativity and also helps improve linguistic skills in children.

      The most important thing which parents and teachers should do is encourage constructive play. However, care must be taken to view it for what it actually is. Simple play and that’s about it. It should not be encouraged because it would help improve their cognitive ability. It is only encouraged because it something which a child enjoys and which would have a positive impact on the way they view the things around themselves. It is necessary to provide some time for children to indulge in constructive play. An hour a day at least should be allowed for children to free play or enjoy constructing different things.

      In order to encourage constructive play you could provide your children with the following:

      • A unit and some building blocks
      • An area for woodwork or other handy material
      • Different puzzles according to the a child’s ability and age
      • Food cartons and empty food boxes of different shapes and sizes
      • Pieces of wood and other raw materials. Make sure all these items are softened and all sharp edges re removed
      • Seas shells
      • Play dough, slime and magic sand which encourage the child to design and shape different things from scratch
      • Paints, easels, brushes, crayons and colour pencils along with old newspapers which the children can paint on.

      Constructive play should be encouraged both indoors and outdoors. Choose a child care in Coorparoo which encourages your child to utilise their full potential.

      Reducing Separation Anxiety in Children


      Each child deals differently with separation anxiety. While few might experience it for just the first two or three days there are few children who might take a bit longer to adjust at their new school and become used to their kindergarten class.

      In order to reduce any sort of separation anxiety in your child, you as a parent should always be well prepared. When a child is about to enter kindergarten, it’s not just the children who are suffering but parent suffer too. It’s certainly not the best feeling in the world when your child is sobbing and not letting you out of their sight.

      There are several question in all parents mind when they deal with their child’s separation anxiety. The first thing which should assure you as a parent is that all children go through some degree of separation anxiety. It’s a sign of an attachment and bond which your child shares with you. Something which should worry you a great deal. All children create a fuss during a time of transition. As a parent it’s up to you to maintain your cool and help make this transition easy on your child. If you are happy and relaxed you would end the same vibes to your child and you would see them making an effort as well.

      The following are a few ways which would help reduce separation anxiety before your child starts kindergarten or preschool in Brookvale.

      • Keep those goodbyes as short as possible. This way you can just make sure that your child knows you would be there at the time they are ready to come back home in the afternoon.
      • Try to be consistent in your dropping and pick up times. Children are sensitive if you are late by habit they might take longer to adjust. Make sure you pick them up on time to reduce their anxiety.
      • Make sure to give your child the right attention before you drop them off. Don’t be too stressed or hassled. Your child would pick up on those vibes.
      • Be specific with your child. Tell them you would be there in time. If possible tell them a time when they can expect to see you. This helps the child understand that the separation I only for a while and they are bound to get back with you soon.
      • You can start by practicing some separation techniques before-hand. This could mean leaving the kids with the grandparents or a friend. Keep the timings short and always get back on the time you promised. Avoid delays. This way your child would feel less anxious and take to separation much easier.

      Also keep in mind that this anxiety is usually short lived. Once your child starts enjoying school and makes new friends they would actually look forward to saying goodbye to you. It’s only a matter of time during which parents should maintain their cool.

      How to Find the Right Day Care Centre


      Choosing the right day care is crucial for your child’s future. After all you would be looking for a place which not only caters to your child’s every day needs but also provides some form of literary development. This knowledge which your child learns at a day care center would come in handy when they are ready to start kindergarten.

      In order to find the right day care make sure you take care of all of the following.

      Start early

      There are quite a few parents who make the mistake of leaving child care till the very last moment. It I wise to start looking for a day care center at least two or three months prior. This is important because there are several factors which you need to know about a child care center in Townsville.

      • How long would your child remain at day care? Is it for a few hours or the complete day from 9 to 5?
      • Would you like to have a child care center near your home or your work place?
      • Is it necessary that you want a private day care or a commercial one would do?
      • You would also need to make sure whether the child care is licensed.

      Consider at least three places

      Don’t know where to start? Simply ask people within your circle. Do you know someone whose child is attending day care? They would be able to help you. You can even check out different day cares in the yellow pages and then have a look at their website.

      Make sure to visit the child care centres in Townsville

      Once you have shortlisted the child care centres which interest you, it would be start to visit these places. When visiting do consider the following

      • The commute from your home or workplace
      • How the day care actually works. What kind of meal plans they provide. Do they cater to very young infants? What kind of education plans they have for toddlers?
      • Do they have a discipline policy? If yes, how do they try to instill discipline?
      • What kind of activities are offered to keep children busy?
      • Do they have a schedule for nap time?
      • What kind of meals are offered? Are these cooked on site or are catered?

      Make sure to ask each of these questions. This would help you evaluate whether you are satisfied with how your child would be handled. Also make sure to take notice of how clean the place actually looks. Does it have open space? Do they have space for outdoor play?

      It is always better to ask for references. Also you need to make sure that the child care centre has the license to operate. You actually want to make sure that your child goes to a place which is safe and nurtures them in the best possible way. Just because you see an advertisement in the newspaper doesn’t mean that the place is legit. You need to find that out on your own.

      What to teach your Children about Home Safety


      When it comes to home safety, everyone in your family, especially the kids must be aware of different aspects of it. Children are naive, but it’s your responsibility to make them aware of these home safety rules which they need to follow. You don’t want any panic to be generated in the occurrence of any untoward situations. We have listed a few tips that you should educate your children about.

      Not open the door for strangers:
      You cannot do anything to help your child and keep your home safe if your kid opens doors to strangers. Have a proper talk with your child and make him aware of the dangers of letting strangers in your home. And strictly warn them not to entertain them in any case.

      Safety from electronic gadgets and devices:
      Turning off the switches, the geysers and other gadgets in your home should be done by kids under your supervision so that, they manage it well in your absence. Make them aware of all the essentials to keep themselves from safe from electrocution and burns.

      Location of emergency contact numbers:
      You did your responsibility of putting down all the probable numbers you may need if an emergency arises. But make sure you place it in an easily accessible place and make it known to your children too.

      Locking the door properly when leaving home:
      You must train your kids properly and demonstrate how the doors of your home have to be secured. Show them and then ask them to do it in front of you, so that you are sure they know it well.

      Access to the first aid kit:
      Only access is not enough; your kid should know how basic first aid should be administered. In case of injuries in your absence, you can at least be sure your child can handle the situation till you hurry home.

      Make them aware of how the fire alarm works:
      Create a mock drill and make sure your kids know how the fire alarm beeps in case there is fire. Also, teach them which route to use to escape in case of emergency.

      Safety in case of pets:
      Your pets may be very affectionate, but certain things such a pulling their ears or tail or disturbing them while they have their food can annoy them. Teach your kid how to be gentle with pets and keep away from them when they show signs of agitation.

      Water safety:
      As much as possible, don’t leave your kids alone when they’re in anything full of water, whether its a bathtub or a pool. But in your absence, make sure your child knows he has not to venture into any water body without any elder person to supervise him.

      While it’s not possible to avoid all the untoward situations, you can always take precautions to minimise damage caused. Teach your kids the right tips and keep them safe!

      6 things Parents should know before sending Kids to School


      Enrolling your kid into a school is a significant milestone in yours as well as your child’s life. Though we know that this is going to happen someday, we’re not quite prepared for it when the day really comes. You were used to having your child around at home, and now he or she will spend more time in school. It’s a transitional phase, and both parents and children have to be prepared for it in a way that both enjoy this new phase which they’re embarking upon. There are a few things which you, as parents need to keep in mind before sending your child to school:

      Make your child used to stay away from you:
      It’s school, and your child won’t be sent back home just because he gets all cranky and is unable to adjust to the new surroundings. Try to get your child out of his comfort zone and get him to mingle with children and other people too. This way, he will already get accustomed to adjusting to new surroundings and will have a smooth journey once he enters school.

      Educate your child about good and bad touch:
      While no one should encounter this horror, you need to keep your child prepared against all kinds of predators. Make your kid aware about the difference between good and bad touch and also to raise the alarm if something untoward happens.

      Listen to your child:
      Once into school, your child will have a lot of things to share. Things he learnt, the little fights he had, the scolding from his teacher, the pats on the back et al. You should give a listening ear to everything your kid says and be patient. Encourage them to recover from their mistakes and not repeat them. Also, praise your child and make sure he knows you are proud of him.

      You are your child’s role model:
      If you want your child to sleep early, wake up early and not waste his time on gadgets, you need to start following these things yourself. Your child looks up to you and will follow everything that you do. You may not realise this, but even your small actions have a lot of influence on your child. So if you want him to imbibe a particular habit, you have to inculcate it first.

      Be prepared to spare time for school activities:
      You need to know that once your child enters school, there will be a lot of events where your presence is essential. So make sure you spare some time to attend these events, no matter how busy your schedule is. It makes your child feel valued and secured.

      Teach your child basic manners:
      No matter how small, every person should be habituated to the usage of the Magic words. Bring it to your child’s notice every time he forgets to use them. Also, give them a proper restroom training and teach them how to ask every time they need to visit the restroom. Make it a point to show your child how to use the handkerchief. And get them used to eat on their own.

      It’s a roller-coaster journey that your child and you as his parents are setting upon. There will be a lot of ups and downs, but all you have to ensure is that your child has your back in every situation!